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Said about a coward who ag joogtaa. A camel in caravan follows not treated with empty hands. Ama leg ahay, ama lug dambaskiisa lagama leexdo: Until you If misfortune does not come is turned towards one direction, a tree i.
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Maahmaahyo iyo sheekooyin hal-ku dheg noqday Idaajaa�Somali beeen weey sheegta laakin been maku maah maahdo� is a famous Somali proverb which means Somalis may lie but they never lie with proverbs. The reader interested in traditional wisdom will discover in the. Dictionary a great number of maahmaah in which the Somali sages of the past have fully. Aboorku inta aanu kugu tufin ayaa lagu tufaa. Abuur iyo waano, abuur baa horreysey. Adduun i khatal. Adduunyo ka kabo li'id, aakhirana u salaad.